I have always loved learning about the entertainment world. I enjoy learning about behind the scenes of music video. My story starts off in this journey after a 20 year marraige that was very verbal abusive. My divorce happened in 2021. I was lonley, and alone but I knew God had a plan for my live one day. I have always been into pop music and boy bands. I still enjoy listening to themto  this day. After my divorce I starting listening to a lot of country music. My top artists right now are Dylan Scott, Brett Young, and Matt Stell. Then I started following them on social media. Matt Stell had a video add to send in your photo to be apart of a music video. I’m like what the perfect time of year to put my photo out there. I am looking for a new boyfriend of the summer of 2022. I then turn in my photo, and months down the road I have no idea what song it would be for, or if I would be picked for the video. Matt Stell released a song titled “Boyfriend Season”. Thousands of enteries were submitted. My photo got picked. After I learned my photo would be in the song “Boyfriend Season” I knew this would be a time in my life I would treasure being single, and to find a man who would treat me right. That year of swipping on a lot of dating apps was exhausting As only being with one other person in my life I knew my life would change forever. Dating was hard as we get older, but I God knew exactly what he was doing when I met my huband. After 6 months I got re married in 2023 to the most godly man, who loves my 5 kids and children, and puts Christ first in our marriage. Amen Boyfriend Season is gone. It was really neat to see my photo on the song though. Thank you Matt Stell.


Matt also shared a ‘fan video’, comprised of real footage submitted by fans “living their best single life,” to celebrate the release of the track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJyvtzXfcQ8.



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